Rajauto ind. is an established metal casting and machining group comprised ofthree autonomous manufacturing businesses.In order that you are reliably informed about how we operate, we have developed this PrivacyStatement. Together with any additional Privacy Notices which you may see as you navigatearound this website, this Privacy Statement describes the ways in which we collect, manage,process, store and share information (eg your IP address) as a result of you visiting thissite. This Privacy Statement also provides you with information about how you can havecontrol over our use of your data.If you have any comments or queries regarding our use of your data, please contact our DataProtection Officer by post at:Data Protection Officer,Rajauto ind., Lichfield Road, Brownhills, West Midlands. WS86JZ.
What information do we collect about you?When you visit this website, cookies are used to collect information about you such as yourInternet Protocol (IP) address which connects your computer or mobile device to theinternet, and information about your visit such as the pages you viewed or searched for,page response times, download errors etc. We do this so that we can measure our website’sperformance and make improvements in the future.Cookies are also used to enhance this website’s functionality and personalisation. You cancontrol this by adjusting your cookies settings as described in section 4 of our CookiesPolicy.This website does not collect any other information about you either directly or indirectly.
How will we use that information?We use the information that we collect in order to ensure that this website is presented inthe most effective manner for you and your computer or mobile device. Thus, this informationallows us to update and improve the contents of our site, and ensure the smooth operation ofinternal processes, such as troubleshooting, data analysis, testing, research, statisticaland survey purposes, and to keep our website as safe and secure as possible.We have deemed it a Legitimate Interest to process your information for this purpose, as thedata - which is anonymous - is used only to ensure that visitors to this site have the bestpossible online experience.
Your rightsUnder the terms of data protection legislation, you have the following rights as a result ofvisiting this website:
Right to be informedThis Privacy Statement, together with our Cookies Policy, fulfils our obligation to tell youabout the ways in which we use your information as a result of you visiting this website.
Right to accessYou have the right to ask us, in writing, for a copy of any personal data that Rajauto holdsabout you. This site does not collect data about you other than your IP address aspreviously described.This is known as a “Subject Access Request”. Except in exceptional circumstances (which wewould discuss and agree with you in advance), you can obtain this information at no cost. Wewill send you a copy of the information within 30 days of your request.To make a Subject Access Request, please write to our Data Protection Officer.
At Rajauto data protection is a key consideration for all new and existing IT systems thathold personal data. Rajauto do not hold customer personal data, except for your IP address, as a result ofusing this website. Where any concerns, risks or issues are identified, we conduct relevant impact assessmentsin order to determine any actions that are necessary to ensure optimum privacy.
AccessibilityWe are committed to providing a website in which content is accessible to everyone. Wetherefore update our website regularly in order to make it as adaptable as possible.